The return of art project Monday. This week's quest - a terrarium. Why you ask? Because I had the ingredients and my four year old had the desire to learn. Last weekend we watched a neighbor's house. I said we had to go and give the flowers a drink. E wanted to give them brownies because they were clearly hungry - we had a lengthy conversation that resulted in me being accused of neglect for not feeding a plant the last brownie. Just how do you explain photosynthesis to a four year old (especially when you kill all things plant and animal). You build a fairy terrarium - thats how.
Large plastic container (we used an animal crackers container)
Wood Chips or Sand
Potting Soil
Seeds or a small potted plant the prefers humidity
Characters (or living creatures if you aren't 0 for 3 on fish)
Step 1: Think back to grade school science class - just how did I make this back in the day? Realize you have no idea what you are doing.
Step 2: Google how to make a SIMPLE terrarium (follow directions or use below, maybe after you see how this little project turns out)
Step 3: Place sand or wood chips on the bottom of the container. Cover with a layer of potting soil. Throw on a little turf builder - it can't hurt, right?
Step 4: Sprinkle seeds. Sing the flower gleam and glow song from Rapunzel.
Step 5: Sprinkle with a little more potting soil.
Step 6: Invite your children to find small objects to fill terrarium. Discourage them from attempting to put your cell phone or their sister in the terrarium. Assure them they won't fit. Place items in container.
We chose two fairies, food for the fairies, a tea cup for the fairies to live in, and a clock so they know what time it is.
Step 7: Water the terrarium and pray that it works!
Step 8: Attempt to explain photosynthesis to a four year old and two year old who are distracted by something shiny.
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